Tuesday, July 1, 2008

To Live and Eat in L.A.......

I was thinking recently, I get really excited when I discover a great deal on anything food related, and I always tell all my friends where they can buy very good chocolate at an amazing price......that would be Fresh n Easy, BTW. I purchased some of their own brand chocolate last week, only to discover upon unwrapping the bar, that inside there lurked Callebaut.........yes, I was so shocked, because a whole POUND of this delectable chocolat was a mere $3.99!!!!!!! Here is a link to the Callebaut website, http://www.bernardcallebaut.com/users/folder.asp

I was making a chocolate cake for my friends leaving soiree, so I was so happy when I discovered this..........

So, I thought I would share my finding with you all.........after all, sharing is caring, and we all need as much help as we can get right now, with gas prices sky rocketting ever upwards....

I don't know whether being a Brit has anything to do with my obsession with frugality. I was raised by a mother who had lived through rationing, during and after WWII, and I guess old habits die hard. I can still remember going shopping with my mom, helping her find the smallest piece of cheese in the chiller.......I still find myself doing this more often than not, and it makes me smile.

The aim of this blog, well, I haven't decided yet, but it will hopefully be fun, and maybe even might actually get read by someone other then me..... there might even be the odd photograph from time to time, but I have to start simply at first, after all, I am a blog virgin!

Just off to cook my steaks, and yes, they were a steal, from Vons!